Celebrating 5 years, welcome to our new website.

Zazzy Box Core Values

Our beliefs and principles help us prioritize our actions and choices, and guide us towards success.

Bread for All

Bread for All

Our DNA is fundamentally built on giving back to our community and to the betterment of the human condition.

In Handshakes We Trust

In Handshakes We Trust

We value honest relationships. We stand up for what is right and hold our hands up if we get it wrong.

Fell-good Vibes

Fell-good Vibes

We enjoy sustaining the “feel-good” vibe with our work and other people!

Right, Right, and Right

Right, Right, and Right

We’re committed to delivering the right, quality-crafted product, at the right price and time.

Livin’ Bindaas

Livin’ Bindaas

We’re free and daring, spontaneous and eccentric, laid back and proactive – life’s short and our time is precious!